Sunday, January 30, 2011 @ 10:53 AM
tired day Wow I feel so lucky today yet tired. Two major things happened today. Before pe, I asked around for anyone's watch that I can borrow for pe, so that I'll be able to keep track on the time of my running. :) Aaron lent me his, thanks!!! 3 rounds around the school (around 660m each), 14 minutes. I thought I was gonna fail! Clarissa ran in front of me and I saw her rubber band dropped to the ground (I don't know how it happened) AND AMAZINGLY, I failed by 0.2 SECONDS and I think that was still counted as 14 minutes, SO LUCKY. I was the last to finish and if I'm the only one who needs to run an extra round, that'll be weird. Haha! Uh after that the guys did pull ups, and we went under the ISH to play badminton! Okay done with pe. BAND. Juniors came today. 26 of them, wow. So we have a total of 70+ people in our band now! THAT'S A LOT. Pamela and I didn't quite like it because the band room was so crowded it's hard to move around. :( but looking on the bright side, we have more guys this year! Which means our playing might be slightly louder. :) 2 alto saxophone juniors and 1 tenor saxophone junior. Not bad, last year we had two juniors and both of them quit after a month or so. LOL. I tried looking for my old watches to wear and realise all of it have been either spoiled or the colour has totally faded off. I remembered for 2 or 3 years, my birthday present have always been a WATCH. A maths + Chemistry test on monday, wish me luck! Hope our e math and chinese test which are going to be returned to us on monday will contribute to my daily happiness, not sadness. Haha okay bye everyone! Thursday, January 27, 2011 @ 6:49 PM
Our story today is .... ![]() ![]() Kailee Clarissa and me! OLD PHOTOS FROM LAST YEAR (7 may 2010). I MISS THOSE TIMES. :'( :'( ![]() I went to Clarissa's house today! SO MANY EPIC STUFF HAPPENED. 1. I ate her brother's birthday cake and we didnt know how to cut it properly! 2. I dropped cake on her room's floor and her my melody calendar!!!! 3. I broke her watch BY ACCIDENT, HAHAHAHA SORRY SORRY. 4. I ransacked through her stuff and found so many small and interesting stuff! 5. We read our notebook we used to pass to each other last year and it was SO DAMN LAME AND FUNNY. The notebook's inside the picture above. :D 6. I started cutting her my melody calendar's cute pictures and made a mess in her room (picture above) 7. Clarissa gave me the candle she bought for us LAST YEAR. She also FORCED me to bring back my old pencil case (picture above) 8. I literally messed up her house. HAHAHAHA. HEH I REALLY MISS LAST YEAR. :( :( AND MATHS TESTS SUCKS. IT'S SO DAMN DIFFICULT. IM SCARED I WONT DO WELL IN SEC 3. OKAY BYEEEE. :D Wednesday, January 26, 2011 @ 10:29 PM HI EVERYONE!!! I kinda forgot I had a blog so I forgot to update it haha! Life's great. :D These few days Clarissa and I have been doing science experiments together and guess what? It's all FAILED attempts! 1. We didn't even READ the instructions and just did what we THINK is right. Such as cutting the leaf in 4 when we're supposed to measure it to 3cm per piece. 2. It's either we DROP something or CUT something WRONGLY or ... YEA. I can't imagine myself doing the real SPA practical ON MY OWN. MYSELF. LOL. Our class have been hilarious and friendly! I think we'll survive through this year, happily. :D some people have been REPEATEDLY asking me about my surname! I didn't bother telling them anymore because its too long and chim. :P We three went out to eat today!!!!! (me Clarissa Kailee) FINALLY AFTER SO MANY WEEKS OF SCHOOL. Sadly Clarissa has to leave early for choir. T_T and I started drinking the tomyum soup SLOWLY because it was raining and we didn't want to walk in the rain! Went home, and went for violin lesson! My left wrist felt really really painful after that. :( I think there's something wrong with my left wrist! Home, wanted to study for math test but I realised I didn't bring the textbook home!!!! Another ninny didn't bring it back home too, LOL LOL LOL. We're so gonna die for tomorrow's E math test! There's no band tomorrow!!!!! So so so Clarissa and I will be going for lunch together and we're going to her house after that to see her new sofa and STINGRAY! I hope I'm successful in scaring it. ;) ;) ;) bye everyone have a nice week! Saturday, January 22, 2011 @ 10:14 AM
BAND SENIORS JASMINE IS HILARIOUS. Yesterday during band, I was trying to record the band's playing with my phone and I put it on the stand. The chicken hanging from my phone was the one Jasmine find 'irritating.' I made it stand next to my phone. When we stopped halfway during the song, Jasmine turned the chicken around so that it won't face her, and said 'I don't like the chicken, it's like staring at me and I feel uncomfortable.' LOL LOL LOL I TOTALLY LAUGHED OUT LOUD WHEN I HEARD THAT. HAHAHAHA HER EXPRESSION WAS SO FUNNY! Now I know what I can use to irritate her. :P I'm gonna miss Jasmine and Pamela so much when they step down! Last time I didnt even think of that because I thought we still have lots of time together, but now we dont. :( I still cant imagine myself being the senior. I hope my future juniors are nice. :( Wednesday, January 19, 2011 @ 9:04 PM Hello everyone!!! :D these two days have been normal. Just that after my fever, I kinda forget all my history and other killer subjects' stuffs!!!!! I should go and revise more. :( School's fun actually! I think I'm getting used to the math/science subjects and getting to like it! Haha maths have been confusing AT FIRST, but now I think it's fine, like sec 1 and 2 maths. :P Clarissa thinks her life is boring! Actually she has me to entertain and irritate her everyday and everytime so she don't need to feel so stressed up and sick of her new life. XD I don't quite like the teachers' way of teaching though. Their 'we're-not-environmentally-friendly-so-we'll-print-lots-of-notes-for-all-of-you-instead-of-using-the-textbook' thing. Damn its hard to get used to their new style. :( I'm quite used to looking at the textbook and understanding things better from there actually, rather than NOTES, lots and lots of NOTES. T_T Like for history. Today we received our first ever homework for upper sec history. :D I tried doing it by referring to the notes but I still don't understand a thing, and after that I tried using the textbook and I finally understood EVERYTHING that we've been taught! (okay fine not EVERYTHING but MOST of it) I miss textbooks! :( Violin lesson was so interesting today! B-) I learnt 3 new pieces, some variation piece, vivace and some grade 6 piece. SO COOL I LIKE THE SONGS!!!!! It sounded nice. ;) but after my violin lesson, I realised all of my fingers are red because of pressing the strings too hard, hahaha! It was worth it. :P I read through some saved messages from last year and I really miss last year. :( when people still bothered sending funny and weird chain messages and I can laugh at it anytime. Now, nobody has the time. Kailee did lots of nice cute cartoons using so many symbols, it was really nice and creative. :D :D :D heh we all will go through this, of just being able to read or remember your past and laugh at it but feeling sad too because its your past. :( I miss Kailee. :( Okay I shall sleep early tonight at around 10pm, which I've been doing for the past 1 week. It feels great to wake up and feel that you've had a long and good rest. B-) bye everyone! Please sleep early! Monday, January 17, 2011 @ 10:40 AM
sick ha ha ha ha I'm stuck at home now with a fever, missing out all the fun in school. I'm NOT lucky at all. :( Gleneagles Hospital later! YAYYYYYYYYY, I like eye checkups. :D I've restricted myself from facebook, with the promise I've made with Clarissa ninny! If I go to facebook, I owe her bubbletea! So maybe I'll just do tuition homework or play violin/piano or watch tv today, while waiting for 2.15pm. BYE EVERYONEEEEEEE. Thursday, January 13, 2011 @ 10:09 PM
lucky me Lots of unlucky stuffs happened yesterday and today, such as those people who went for the mediacorp thing had to reach home at 11pm while I'm already asleep. ;) Zheng Laoshi saved my life by asking me not to go! I must thank my violin too. :P I think the first week of school is always horrible! I'm starting to adapt well to our new environment already. :D Clarissa and I plan to teach each other every thursday/friday! I'll teach her maths and she'll teach me chinese! Hahaha I forgot to talk about the ayam we saw when we were making our ic. She was so funny because she shouted 'LISTEN' or something and Clarissa heard it as 'CLARISSA' and we burst out laughing. Today we had... English bio lab e math and chem! I think today's great. We had most of 'slack and fun' periods! :D Ate lunch with Kailee, went for cca, both the conductors did not come today! :( sad. Bighead conducted us for warm-ups, after that we split up for sectionals and at 5 we did a combined practice. We were released at 5.30pm!!!!! SO HAPPY! I kinda miss being in sec 1 and 2. :( when we still can go out together and have fun and talk and laugh as much as we want to anywhere we want! Heh but this is life, don't look back, look towards your future! :D And I realise there's lots of status on facebook about relationship and friendship problems, what I want to say is that for friendship problems, treasure all your friends, there'll be a time when some of their true colours will be revealed but if you're a TRUE friend, you won't leave that person for whatever weaknesses he/she has. And as for relationship problems, don't bother having 'crushes' or 'feelings' for a certain person because it won't work out till your marriage eventually, right? You're just gonna hurt yourself one day and ruin your whole life. I speak out of experience. B-) always make the right choice. For all the emoemoemo (reminds me of nemo) people out there, CHEER UP. I know its kinda irritating when people tell you to cheer up because they just don't know how you actually feel, but yea, do something meaningful! Like going through your old photo albums and think about how happy you were once. ;) strive to be that way! If you used to be happy, why can't you be now? So, stay happy everyone! Don't let anything destroy your mood whatsoever, it all depends on you. :) Okay I'll stop here, this blog is dead, no tags!!! Haha okay bye! Tuesday, January 11, 2011 @ 10:04 PM
happy days! SECOND WEEK OF SCHOOL IS THE BEST. Not bad at all! :) I feel happy these two days! Clarissa Kailee and I am turning into nerds and model students who study and revise their work everyday even though there's no tests at all. I don't remember us being like this last year! We were like so relaxed and happy and as free as a lark, but now? totally changed! For the better. :D HAHAHA! I practised time management today!!!!! I feel so calculative but, YEA. 6.50pm: back from math tuition 7pm-8pm: dinner/tv 8pm-9pm: homework/revise 9pm-9.15pm: violin 9.15pm-9.30pm: pack up for school 9.30pm-10pm: gather in parents' room before bedtime 10pm: on bed, ready to sleep I'M ORGANIZED. B-) The band 1 chinese class is going for some chinese debate thing tomorrow in mediacorp! Weird! O.O 7pm-9pm, please try to catch us on tv! LOL. Oh well I hope I have time to finish my homeworks. BYE! Sunday, January 9, 2011 @ 10:34 PM
my worst nightmare There's school tomorrow. T_T looking back to my previous posts, I CAN'T BELIEVE I LOOKED FORWARD TO SCHOOL THEN. Now I'm dreading it. :( now, instead of looking forward to band after school, I rather go home and rest/study. It's like most of us changed. Now I understand how our seniors feel. :( Today was fun. A free day for me, at least. I went to cut my hair! It still looks the same though, just less messy. We went home at around 5pm (family), did my homework, ate dinner, watched Indiana Jones, off to bed. I hope tomorrow's a better day and it'll be a better week next week! Bye everyone. :) Saturday, January 8, 2011 @ 10:16 PM
CCA fair I'm half asleep now so I'm sorry if I type anything weird. :D Friday was, fun! I actually forgot what happened so... Oh well. I ate with lunch with Kailee, that's all I remembered. :D Cca fair today! Woke up at 5.30am, reached school at 6.45am, walked to school with Eunice and Jiahui. :D changed to band uniform, and went into the band room at 7. We all sounded dead. Like so so so sleepy. We practised till 7.50 then we went up to the hall and brought everything up. Chiwen came!!!!! So happy. :D Played heatherwood + nobody, everyone clapped (of course!), went down to the parade square, slacked with Clarissa Kailee Jiahui Hemma and other band people till the sec 1s came down. We went back to the band room to get the bari sax, LOL. Jasmine kept saying we're dumb because nobody will use it anyway. Super heavy but its damn cool. Jiahui carried it back and I think she fell in love with it. :D Played at the parade square, the weather's super hot but it was worth it, I think we attracted lots of sec 1s. While we're playing there's so many other ccas that started shouting 'GO ___(their cca)!!!!' or 'JOIN ___!!!!' SUPER NOISY. AFTER playing, went back to the classroom, walked around with Eunice and Hemma and advertise. there's this guy who's super interested in saxophone, I think he's really nice, haha. Many were talented enough to choose whichever instruments they wanna play since they can play all. Ate lunch with Clarissa (WOOHOO), went to church after that. Stayed there till 7.15pm because there's choir. Hahaha we're all newbies. :D (me jo sue amah) I'M SO SO TIRED I'M GONNA SLEEP NOW BYE EVERYONE Thursday, January 6, 2011 @ 10:22 PM
CHEMISTRY chemistry is SOOOO fun!!! Clarissa said we two have agreed LAST YEAR that chemistry is the best science subject of all 3. XD Mr Wong is hilarious and sometimes he doesn't even know it! HAHAHAHA we two laughed so much today, for the first time this year! I hope his lessons are interesting this whole year! And he kept thinking we're in 4E and he says I look like 17. LOL AS IF! Someone once said I look like 12! He poured a flammable liquid ON THE FLOOR with it burning too!!!!! We thought he spilled it but he actually did it on purpose. And many other weird experiments. I feel like a scientist already, LOL LOL LOL. Combined band practice today! First time this year. :P I feel like my lips are gonna crack any minute! I keep stopping halfway through a song. T_T I hate size 3 1/2 reeds!!!!! SO THICK. I have no choice though, mr lum says I'm too loud. T_T Friends for life was.... Slow? Andante. ;) there's this feeling when the song is played! The FRIENDSHIP feeling. :D Overseas trips this year, either Australia or Hongkong! But both trips cost over 1k, I don't think everyone can go. :( and I can't go for the Hongkong one anyway, it's during Theolo's time. So... We shall see then. :D And it's Jasmine's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAREST SENIOR! Though sometimes I irritated you by not putting the stand in the middle and stuff like that I still LOVE and LIKE you very much! One of the best seniors I've ever had. :D Last day of school THIS WEEK tomorrow, FINALLY!!!! This WEEK felt like a month. T_T being upper sec is TORTURE. I WANNA BE IN LOWER SEC AGAIN!!!!! I'm gonna go home early tomorrow (12.50pm) and do something meaningful/rest/swim/STUDY/REVISE. bye everyone! Wednesday, January 5, 2011 @ 9:10 PM
Dead tired I'm so tired today! School, band, violin. I'll sleep early tonight! We had a proper bio lesson today, and there's so many chim words. I just revised my work and kinda understand it better. I hope Clarissa and I don't fail bio. T_T Tuesday, January 4, 2011 @ 7:50 PM
First day of school! Before I start posting about the day, I would like to begin with this paragraph: Amblyopia, commonly known as ‘lazy eye’, is reduced vision in one eye that did not develop normal vision during early childhood. The eye with reduced vision generally looks normal and the reduced vision does not improve even with the use of spectacles. If left untreated in early childhood, amblyopia will usually persist into adulthood. It is the most common cause of one eye visual impairment in children and adults. - I'M GOING BLIND. That's what everyone says, even my mum said that. T_T she's gonna bring me to some eye specialist this week! When I'm free, which is never! It's heredity. :( I hate my right eye! Okay. Hi everyone! First day of school was fun. :D except for the disciplinary part. I met Zakiyah and Tamara at the bus stop in the morning! Talked to them, then Clarissa came out of her car. Walked to school, wondering who will be our first victim to be laughed at. ;) It turned out to be Bighead for me and Kinseong for Clarissa! LOL we started laughing like crazy. Said hi to them, to the rest, to random people, then went to class, THE SAME CLASS AS LAST YEAR. Horrible. :( but, I think it's one of the bigger classrooms! Okay then this girl approached us, she's Yanmin. :D hahaha made friends with her, and we sat in front of Xinya. Kailee met us after that! So happy!!!!! :D Went out of class for assembly, sang and stuff, sat down, then attire check! Almost everybody got caught, I think! Even Clarissa and ME, the guai ones! LOL okay she was caught for her shoes and I was caught for my SOCKS! SUEY. Not as if I'm the only one with ankle socks. T_T After that, we went back to class, mr leong introduced himself, then some other administrative stuff, till 9.50. It wasn't THAT boring I guess. Oh and Ms Lim came in suddenly to give us our yearbooks! I miss her! :( Recess. Clarissa went with Hannah to the staff room to meet their choir teacher. I waited outside 301 for Kailee! When she came out she hugged me and said 'I MISSED YOU!' , AWWW. :') HAHA! Then we went to the canteen and start complaining about our class and teachers and stuff, LOL. We isolated ourselves from the rest of the canteen! Sat down near the basketball Court. I miss being in the same class as Kailee. :( It was chinese after that! One of the biggest shocks of my life! I'M IN THE BAND 1 CHINESE CLASS, LOLOLOL. SHOCKED, REALLY SHOCKED. My chinese standard so lousy they still put me in band 1 class! Weird! But I'm in the same class as Clarissa and Kailee! YAY!!! But the bad thing is that, Zheng laoshi's gonna teach us for 4 years. T_T Okay. It was elective History after that! We walked to the humanities room together (me Tamara Seri and Phoebe) and we realised there's aircon in the room! During the introduction Mr Siah said we could tell him if the weather's too hot and he'll switch on the aircon. After he said that, all of us said the weather's too hot, LOL! Joke. And he REALLY DID Switch on the aircon! Thought he was joking. Oh well. There were less than 20 people in the room, and the rest of the 60 plus students are taking geography. I'm lucky I didn't. :D We walked back to class, Seri told me there's band for the WHOLE WEEK. And nobody actually told me! I didn't go for today's, I had tuition. :( Mrs Sassi's teaching physics! Haha after introduction, she started to recap on our sec 2 work. Then when we were copying the things at the powerpoint, the WHOLE class was SUPER quiet! Clarissa and I am not used to a quiet learning environment! We should get used to it. :D mrs sassi asked: 'are you all always as quiet as this or you're all quiet because it's the first day of school?' Haha guess she still thinks this 304 class is like last year's 203. CD was kinda funny. We nominated people for the big roles. Chairman: Simon Vice Chairman: Waikin Treasurer: Pranavenn Secretary: Gordon Noticeboard Reps: Tamara and Geoffrey Duty Roster Rep: Heng Chunkai (I WAS ALMOST CHOSEN) Okay then school was OVER!!!!! Kailee was outside, we went to koufu together to eat tomyum. :D nice memories. We talked and laughed and stuff, and went home at 3! I went home, quickly bathed, quickly packed my tuition stuff, ran out of the house, and made it just in time for my bus. :P Tuition was horrible! I forgot ALL that was taught during the holidays! Surds and all those weird topics. I felt really REALLY slow. I went home with a headache, luckily there wasn't a traffic jam. :D reached home, ate dinner, and decorated my pencil case! It looks nice, I've shown it to my mum. B-) After that, violin, packed my school books, and slept. :D Okay bye everyone! Its now currently on the 5th jan 0615. I'm going to school now BYE! Monday, January 3, 2011 @ 7:42 PM
FIRST POST HI EVERYONE I DECIDED TO OPEN A NEW AND ACCESSIBLE BLOG. I don't know what I'm doing this for too, but anyway, I'm still using my private blog! Oh well this is a new year, new class, new everything. :D Hope we all stay happy throughout this year! SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW, WOOHOO I CANT WAIT! - I don't know why everyone have been complaining in facebook about why school have to start and holidays have to end! School's fun! You get to meet your friends, learn more things and talk to your friends and so on. ;) I don't get the negative point of it. It's better than being stuck at home, doing nothing, staring at the computer screen, wishing something extraordinary happens. LOL. So this should be the last time I get to spend 2 hours in front of the computer without worrying about anything. From tomorrow onwards, we'll all be back to the purpose of LIFE, which is to study. I feel happy studying. :P Lunch tomorrow with Clarissa and Kailee! Yay yay yay! I hope we three can still spend time together this year, though Clarissa and I am in a different class from Kailee. :( we must all work hard and study hard! Sec 3 life is not a year when we can slack, sadly. :( Triple science, here I come! There's SYF THIS year too! (I guess I need to use caps on the word 'THIS' since I keep thinking it's still 2010 now) We must all work hard for a silver medal! I haven't been to band for more than a month now, I think I missed out on a lot of things. :/ But it's okay! :D I will work extra hard for this coming SYF! Okay I should stop typing on this post, and get some rest for tomorrow. :) Bye everyone! |
Audeline Elleora. 25th July 1996. TJC. Queensway Sec. Queensway Concert Band. Saxophonist. ♥ I'm a happy person! comments
ClarissaJiahui Kailee Yengyeng Yume This layout is done by balloon.s with the help from here. archives
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