Saturday, May 14, 2011 @ 11:26 PM

mid years are over. Yay? I'm happy that I don't have to MUG anymore, but I'm worried about my results. T_T really really really worried! SIGH hope I pass all subjects!

Today was fun. Was in church from 11am to 6.45pm. :P it was super fun! Haha danielle brought back her trumpet from school and played parts of the flight of the piasa for me! So so happy. :D it sounded so nice! Hope we get to play that song too. :D :D

Tomorrow will be a busy day! Airport, somewhere around orchard area, and then violin. :) okay bye everyone!

Saturday, May 7, 2011 @ 11:51 PM

Hi everyone! I haven't been posting here in such a long time. Oh well, lots of things happened. Mostly all of the sad things. :(

I think I won't do well for midyears. I just hope I pass my bio! That'll make me very happy. I hope I can understand physics before the exam, and do better than last time. :)

Now that cca is suspended, I kinda miss it. :( I miss band! It's really been so long since the last practice, with the sec 4s. :'( :'( I'm so gonna miss them. And I'm really really miss disturbing Jasmine. T_T

I hope everything gets better, somehow! I don't want to be so sad over exam results! Heh okay bye everyone!

Audeline Elleora. 25th July 1996. TJC. Queensway Sec. Queensway Concert Band. Saxophonist. ♥
I'm a happy person!



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